Facebook Live empowers retailers to start a live sale directly on their Facebook page. Since this method of going live happens separately from CommentSold, there are a few differences worth noting:

  • Retailers will need to create a product selection before the live sale and manually link that product selection once live. There is no option to create an on-the-fly selection.
  • Shoppers will not see a live sale overlay at the top of the live sale video feed.
  • Retailers will be responsible for letting shoppers know which CommentSold identifier (e.g., SOLD 102SOLD 103) and variant(s) to include in comments to cart a product.

Even though retailers will start and end their live sale directly on Facebook, CommentSold will still read the live sale comments and, if formatted correctly, will cart and invoice shoppers for their claimed products. 

Step 1: Create a Product Selection

A product selection contains all the items you plan to feature in your live sale. You will want to create this selection ahead of your live sale as you'll need to link it to your live sale post once you go live.

Add Items Individually Add Items in Bulk

  1. Select Products in the side menu of your CommentSold dashboard.
  2. Locate an item you wish to add to your product selection, then select the three-dot icon to the far right of the item row.
  3. Select Create Product Selection.
  4. On the following pop-up, complete the following:
    • Product Selection Name. Give your product selection a name. For Shop the Look posts, you'll need to copy this name exactly, so it might make sense to keep it straightforward.
    • Identifier. You can change the identifier shoppers type when claiming an item in a live sale or social post (e.g., SOLD 102 small). We recommend you keep this identifier three digits to avoid confusion when a shopper adds a variant, like a size (e.g., 12, 32, etc.).
  5. Locate additional items you wish to add, then select Select.
  6. Select Save Product Selection at the bottom of the pop-up to save your selection.
  7. You can link the selection to a post you've already created, or you can link it at a later time.

You can quickly view items in your newly created product selection by expanding the selection on the main Products listing.

If you wish to change the order of items for a live sale, simply drag and drop the items until they're in the preferred order.

Step 2: Print Your Live Helpers

Live Helpers are sheets of paper that display a product's identifier (e.g., SOLD 101) and the corresponding variants. You can hold up these sheets of paper, write their information on a small whiteboard, and/or call out the information as you talk about the product.

How you communicate this information is up to you; however, your shoppers will need to know this information to comment and claim the product. You can print live helpers from your Product listing.

  1. Select Products in the side menu of your CommentSold dashboard.
  2. Locate the product selection you will feature in your live sale and select the three-dot icon on the far right of the row.
  3. Select Print Live Helpers from the drop-down list.
  4. Your live helpers will open in a new tab.
    • If you're on a Windows device, hold down CTRL P on your keyboard, then select Print.
    • If you're on a Mac device, hold down + P on your keyboard, then select Print.

Step 3: Start and Link Your Facebook Live Sale

You will need to link your product selection to your live sale post for CommentSold to read shoppers' comments.

There are two ways to do this: add the product selection name to your post description or manually link the selection to your live sale in CommentSold. We walk through both options below.

Use Product Selection Name Manually Link Post in CommentSold

With this option, you'll need to include your exact product selection name preceded by a # sign (e.g., #WeddingGuest, #SummerSale, etc.).

  Note: In order for CommentSold to autolink your product selection, you'll need to ensure you've enabled the Auto link Posts to Product Selection toggle on your Social Setup page.

  1. On your Facebook business page, locate the Create option and select Live.
  2. Select Select at the bottom of the Go Live section.
  3. Ensure you've selected your business page from the Choose where to post drop-down in the left-side menu.
  4. From the When are you going live? drop-down, select Now.
  5. Enter a Title for the Facebook live sale on the right side of the page.
  6. In the description field, enter your post description and add your product selection name preceded by a # sign (e.g., #WeddingGuest, #SummerSale, etc.).
    • Don't know your product selection name? You can copy it from your Product listing and paste it into your description field. It's important to make sure you enter the name exactly as it appears in CommentSold (e.g., spaces vs. no spaces), or CommentSold will be unable to link the selection to your post.
  7. Under Video Source, select Webcam
  8. Confirm your Camera and Microphone options if using devices other than your default.
  9. When ready, select Go Live in the bottom-left corner of the page.

You are now live! Proceed with your live sale just as you would via CommentSold. Make sure to pause throughout the sale to remind shoppers how they can comment to claim products.

If you have a behind-the-scenes team, we recommend you have them monitor the post comments for any shopper questions. You can also enable Facebook comment auto-replies so that shoppers are automatically notified when they cart a product, incorrectly comment (i.e., forget to include the variant when claiming), and more.

When you are ready to end your live sale, select End Live Video in the bottom-left corner of the page. Facebook will keep the live sale post on your Facebook page unless you choose to delete it. This acts similar to a Live Replay, allowing shoppers to watch the sale at a time that works for them and still comment to claim products.

Don’t forget processing times. Once a live sale ends, CommentSold will need to process the video before you can add it as a Live Replay. Processing times average out to half the length of the live sale. For example, if your live sale was 60 minutes, then the video would take 30 minutes to process. You can view video processing statuses here.

Learn More

  • Facebook
  • Live Selling
  • Social Selling
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