Want more insight into your CS Payments balances, activity, and payouts? Run and download CS Payments Reports.

CommentSold offers four different CS Payments reports that you can view and download for a specific date range. 

The date range you set will apply to each of the four reports listed below, providing you with a snapshot of CS Payments activity, balances, and payouts. You can download any of these reports for further use by your team.

Report  Description
Activity Summary Provides a breakdown by reporting category for activity, including all transactions except for payouts. Itemized downloads include attribution dates, related charge IDs, customer IDs, etc.
Balance Summary - Individual Account

Shows starting and ending balance in the CS Payments account.

Starting balance is the sum of the available balance, pending balance, and Connect reserved balance. Changes to the balance come from activity (payments, refunds, transfers, etc.) and from payouts to the Shop’s bank (aggregated here and broken out in detail in the reports below).

Balance Change From Activity

Detailed breakdown of the balance change from the activity line of the Balance Summary report.

Includes changes to CS Payments balance from activity (payments, refunds, transfers, etc.), excluding payouts, as well as itemized downloads.


Detailed breakdown of the total payouts line from the Balance Summary report.

Includes changes to CS Payments balance, from payouts to the Shop’s bank, as well as itemized downloads.

Access CS Payments Reports


  1. Select Reports in the side menu of your CommentSold dashboard.
  2. Select CS Payments from the options listed at the top of the page.
  3. Use the Start Date and End Date fields to define the date range you wish to view. Selecting either field launches a calendar picker.

Your query will start processing as soon as you enter your date range. If you are pulling data from a large date range, then results may take a little longer to load. You can use the Email me when it's ready button to be notified when your search results are ready to view.

View and Download CS Payment Reports

You can view and download four different reports from this page: Activity Summary, Balance Summary - Individual Account, Balance Change From Activity, and Payouts.


  1. If wish to download a report, simply select the Download button to the right of the report description.
  2. On the pop-up, choose between Activity Summary or Itemized.
  3. Select Download.

The report will export as a .CSV file to your device.


  • Reporting
  • CS Payments
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