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  In this article, you'll learn:

  • How to schedule an upcoming sale.
  • How Shopify and Scheduled Sales work together.

About Scheduled Sales

Sales and promotions help shops offer a discount on specific products for a certain amount of time. Shops can plan out details of a sale ahead of time as part of a larger promotional strategy. 

With CommentSold, shops can use Scheduled Sales to enter future sale and promotion details and automatically control the discounted pricing window offered to shoppers.

How Scheduled Sales Benefit Your Shop

  • Make sale and promotion planning a priority by proactively scheduling sales to run automatically, which is especially helpful during times your shop will be busy.
  • Ensure sales and promotions always start and stop on time automatically.
  • Predict trends and review revenue with automatically recorded sales and promotions data.
  • Offer shoppers bulk discounts and price changes.

How a Scheduled Sale Works

When you schedule a sale in CommentSold, you select which products to include, define the discount amount, and pick the automatic start and end dates and times.

During a sale, a product's scheduled sale price will appear on the product's record. If you have products in two simultaneous sales, the discounted price reflects the most recently created or edited sale.

Once the sale ends (or is canceled), the price reverts back to the regular retail price. 

  Using Square? If you've integrated Square inventory with CommentSold, then you must make product price changes on that platform. Scheduled Sales will not work with Square-managed products.

Create a Scheduled Sale

You can schedule a sale in two ways: by creating a price adjustment and by selecting products.

Option 1: Price Adjustment Option 2: Select Products Option 3: Product Selection

For this option, you will first define the specifics of your sale before selecting which items to include.

  1. Hover over the side menu of your CommentSold dashboard, then select Products.
  2. Select Price Adjustments in the menu at the top of the page.
  3. On the Scheduled Sales tab, select Add Scheduled Sale
  4. On the following page, complete the below fields:
    • Name. Enter a name for your sale. Make this unique to the specific sale for easy identification.
    • Start Date. Define a start date and time for the scheduled sale in the pop-up. If you do not select a specific date and time, CommentSold picks the current date or time as default.
    • End Date. Define an end date and time for the scheduled sale in the pop-up. This is optional. 
    • Sale Type. Select the type of discount you wish to apply from the drop-down menu.
      • Decrease by Percentage. Subtract a specific percentage from the included products’ retail price (e.g., 15% off).
      • Decrease by Amount. Subtract a specific dollar amount from the included products’ retail price (e.g., $10 off).  
      • Set Specific Amount. Set products to a specific flat price (e.g., all products included in the sale are $5.00). 
    • Value. Enter the percentage amount, dollar discount amount, or the specific price for sale products.
    • Rounding Rule. Select the type of rounding to apply to sale products after the discount amount. The rounding rules should apply to sale products as follows: 
      • Do Not Round. No change to the product price after the discount amount.
      • Up to the Nearest Dollar. Product price rounds up to the next highest dollar amount (i.e., $14.35 becomes $15.00).
      • Down to Nearest Dollar. Product price rounds down to the next lowest dollar amount (i.e., $14.35 becomes $14.00).
      • .99. Product price will end in .99 (i.e., $14.35 becomes $14.99).
      • .95. Product price will end in .95 (i.e., $14.35 becomes $14.95).
      • .50. Product price will end in .50 (i.e., $14.35 becomes $14.50).
  5. In the Selected Products section, select Add Products to choose which items you wish to include in the scheduled sale. Once products are added, you will see the product picture, SKU, Name, Retail Price, and Sale Price for each product.
    • Use the Search field to search for products by name or SKU. 
    • Select the In Stock Only checkbox to only display in-stock products. 
    • Select Select to the right of each product you wish to add to the scheduled sale. 
    • Once done, select the X in the top-right corner of the pop-up.  
  6. Select Create Scheduled Sale in the bottom-right corner of the page. 

How Shopify Works with Scheduled Sales

There are several things to consider when deciding to schedule a sale if you have a Shopify integration:

  • Price changes made in CommentSold do not sync to Shopify inventory so you will not see the updated sale price displayed on individual product records. You will, however, see the sale price reflected in Shopify on orders with items from a scheduled sale.
  • Since scheduled sale prices do not alter product prices in Shopify, you can encourage shoppers to make purchases on your CommentSold sales channels to receive exclusive discounts on active scheduled sale products.
  • For shops that are using Shopify exclusively for dropshipping purposes, scheduling a sale provides an easier method to apply bulk discounts instead of manually applying them through Shopify.

Learn More

  • Create Retail Price Changes. Learn how to bulk change the price of all products in one or multiple collections.
  • Manage Existing Products. Learn how to manage the details, media, variant, and inventory information for existing products.
  • Manage Product Visibility. Learn the differences between removing, archiving, and deleting products and how these actions affect product visibility in your shop.


  • Marketing
  • Promotions
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