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  In this article, you'll learn:

  • How to enable the favoriting of products on your mobile app.
  • How shoppers can favorite products on your mobile app.

About Favorites

Favorites allow shoppers to curate a list of products that they're interested in. This feature is a preferred alternative to carting products that a browsing shopper does not intend to purchase at that time.

With Favorites, shoppers can easily jump to their "wish list" products from your app homepage rather than sifting through your collections to locate an product. 

How Favoriting Products Benefits Your Shop

  • Allow shoppers to keep track of products that interest them without tying up inventory in abandoned carts.
  • Know how much of an in-demand product to restock based on favorites reporting data. This minimizes the risk of storing inventory that may or may not move.

Enable Favorites on Your Mobile App

  1. Select Mobile App in the side menu of your CommentSold dashboard.
  2. Select Settings in the menu at the top of the page.
  3. In the Favorites section on the right side of the page, select the Enable Favorites toggle to appear Enabled.

What Your Shopper Experiences

Registered shoppers can favorite products in two places: during a live sale (or live sale replay) or while browsing collections and products in your app.

Shoppers can view their favorited products by tapping Favorites at the bottom of the main screen of your app. Shoppers can then add a favorited product to their cart by tapping on the product and tapping Add to Cart at the bottom of the app.

Live Sale Browsing Products

During a live sale (or live sale replay), shoppers can tap on a product to view more details. The option to Add to Favorites appears at the bottom of the app.

Learn More

  • Mobile App
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