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At CommentSold, your shop and shoppers’ concerns are our concerns. That’s why we always want to make sure we’re clearly addressing any questions and concerns that you and your shoppers might have about CommentSold.

The Concern

Shoppers have expressed concern about registering for shops using their Facebook or Instagram accounts. They worry their passwords might be exposed, compromising the security of their social accounts.

Our Approach

Since data security concerns can impact a shopper's decision to buy with your shop, it's important to us that you know and understand CommentSold's security protocol so that you can assure your shoppers that their information is secure.

When a shopper registers for your shop through Facebook or Instagram, CommentSold simply authenticates the shopper through the platforms. We do not see or store any social media passwords.

Facebook will ask shoppers what information they feel comfortable sharing with CommentSold and it is our recommendation that shoppers allow each permission so they're able to experience the full shopping experience with your shop.


There are several options your shopper has when they want to shop with you, but have expressed this concern and still do not feel comfortable using Facebook to register.

Register with Email Use Guest Checkout Register with Apple ID (Mobile)

A shopper can use their email address to create an account with your shop via your webstore.

  1. The shopper will need to navigate to your Webstore (e.g., or
  2. They will need to select the Account Icon in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. They will need to select the Sign Up option at the bottom of the login page.
  4. From there, they will need to enter their First NameLast NameEmail, and preferred Password
  5. Their final step will be selecting Create Account.

Learn More

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Security
  • Registration
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