Interested in selling on TikTok? TikTok is a unique live selling opportunity that is unlike other social media platforms. If you haven't already, we highly recommend you read this article where we outline some of the requirements and characteristics of selling on TikTok.

Need to let TikTok know what to charge shoppers for shipping? Read on to learn how to configure shipping for TikTok orders in TikTok. Tik Tok

TikTok shoppers will place their orders via TikTok’s native checkout, and that order information will flow through to CommentSold, where your team will fulfill them. You will not fulfill and ship orders through your TikTok Seller Center.

You’ll need to let TikTok know that you, the seller, will fulfill and ship all orders. This process will also let TikTok know what to charge shoppers in shipping costs.

You can configure your shipping settings after registering your business with TikTok. You will need to complete your shipping settings configuration before proceeding with syncing products and selling them on TikTok.

We walk through the steps of configuring shipping in TikTok below.

   A note on Shopify orders: If you fulfill orders via Shopify, then you will to confirm that tracking information fo those orders has flowed through to TikTok as this information is required.

Step 1: Create Your Pickup and Return Warehouses

Your first step is to create your pickup and return warehouses within TikTok. This is your CommentSold warehouse, where you fulfill and ship orders and accept returns.

  1. Select your Account icon in the top-right corner of your TikTok Seller Center.
  2. Select My Account.
  3. Select Account Settings.
  4. Select Warehouse Settings.
  5. Select the Add warehouse drop-down in the top-right corner of the page, and select the warehouse you wish to add.
  6. Enter the information requested, then select Save.

Step 2: Choose Your Shipping Option

Next, you’ll let TikTok know that you will be fulfilling (via CommentSold) and shipping orders.

  1. Select Orders in the side menu of your TikTok Seller Center.
  2. Select Shipping Options.
  3. Ensure Seller Shipping is selected as your shipping option.

Step 3: Configure Your Shipping Fee Template

Last, you’ll need to enter the shipping fees, so TikTok knows what shipping costs to charge the shopper.

  1. Select Orders in the side menu of your TikTok Seller Center.
  2. Select Shipping Templates.
  3. Select + Create New Template on the right side of the page.
  4. Locate the Rate Model section and ensure you’ve selected Product Weight in the top-left corner of this section.
  5. Select the checkbox to the left of Standard Shipping
  6. Enter the Flat Rate shipping cost on the right side of the page.
  7. Select Submit in the bottom-right corner of the page.

What Now?

Once TikTok approves your business, and you’ve configured your shipping settings, you can proceed with syncing your products. We will walk you through that process here.

Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers

  • Does tracking information sync to TikTok?
    • We’ve made updates to our integration that will allow tracking numbers to be consistently synced between CommentSold and TikTok. If you need to cancel a label and create a new one for whatever reason, the new tracking number will sync to TikTok and update the record. The original tracking number will be overwritten with the new tracking number.
  • Orders are coming over with shipping information missing or redacted. What do I do?
    • First, ensure that your shipping option is set to Shipped by Seller. Once set, shipping information will sync over from TikTok.
    • Second, you will need to fulfill the orders missing shipping details from within TikTok. TikTok walks you through this process in their Seller Center Academy here.
  • What are the shipping rules for Tiktok orders?
    • TikTok orders must be shipped out within 3 business days to avoid accruing violation points toward your TikTok Seller Score.
    • You will see a notification banner at the top of your CommentSold dashboard that displays your outstanding number of TikTok orders.
  • Should orders be fulfilled in CS or Tiktok?
    • Orders should be fulfilled in CommentSold.
  • Why am I receiving the error "The product cannot be delivered to your region"?
    • This indicates an issue within the setup of the shipping templates in the TikTok Seller Center. Once logged in, select Shipping Options. Then, verify that Shipped by Seller is set to Preferred and that all Shipping Templates are set to Standard.
  • What carriers can I use to ship TikTok orders?
    • We recently added carrier tracking support for DHL, Lasership, OnTrack, and Amazon Logistics. This is in addition to USPS, FedEx, and UPS.

  • Live Selling
  • Social Selling
  • Setup
  • TikTok
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