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  In this article, you'll learn:

  • How to run a Best Selling Products Report.

About the Best Selling Products Report

The Best Selling Products report provides retailers with a list of best-selling products and related details, such as size and color variants. 

CommentSold organizes this report by product, variant, brand, and first customer purchase, giving retailers an opportunity to view products from multiple angles and better understand the best-selling products' performance.

  • Grouped by Product. Groups search results by individual products.
  • Grouped by Variant. Groups search results by best-selling products' color and size variants.
  • Grouped by Brand. Groups search results by best-selling brands with a breakdown of size and color variants sold.
  • Grouped by Product, First Customer Purchase. Groups search results by best-selling products that first-time customers choose as their first purchase.

How the Best Selling Product Report Benefits Your Business

  • Quickly identify your top-performing brands.
  • View which products are converting your first-time customers.
  • Identify trends in size and color purchases.

Run the Best Selling Products Report

    1. Select Reporting in the side menu of your CommentSold dashboard.
    2. Select Best Selling from the report options listed at the top of the page.
    3. Choose your Group by preference from the sub-menu (e.g., Group by Product, Group by Variant, etc.).
    4. Define your Start Date and End Date in the fields provided.
    5. If desired, choose a Source from the drop-down.
      • Facebook. Filter best sellers by orders placed via Facebook.
      • Instagram - Filter best sellers by orders placed via Instagram.
      • Online Store - Filter best sellers by orders placed via your webstore.
      • Admin - Filter best sellers by orders manually created by a member of your team.
      • Product List - Filter best sellers by orders placed via your product list on a shopper's account page.
      • Mobile App - Filter best sellers by orders placed via your mobile app.
      • SMS - Filter best sellers by orders placed via SMS texting.
    6. If desired, choose a Product Brand from the drop-down.
    7. Select the Retrieve button.

Examine the Best Selling Products Report

Note: The above screenshot shows the Best Selling Products Report grouped by product.

  • Product Image. Displays a thumbnail of the product's primary image.
  • SKU. Displays the SKU assigned to the product.
  • Product Name. Displays the name you gave the product.
  • Product Brand. Displays the brand associated with the product.
  • Sold Count. Displays the number of units sold in the defined date range.
  • Revenue. Displays the revenue generated, before discounts, by the product in the defined date range.
  • Marked. Select the Mark as Best Seller button to add the Best Seller badge to the product's image on your mobile app.
  • Sizes (not pictured). Displays a breakdown of sold units by size. This column appears when viewing the report as Grouped by Brand in the report sub-menu.
  • Product Name & Variant (not pictured). Displays the product name and color variant. This column appears when viewing the report as Grouped by Variant in the report sub-menu.

Learn More

  • Reporting
  • Inventory Management
  • Inventory Reports
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