After creating your Apple Developer account, you’ll receive several emails from Apple. Most of these emails do not require any action on your part, but we will provide you with guidance for those that do.

In this article, we’ll cover which Apple emails require you to take action and which emails can be safely ignored.

Emails That Require Your Attention

Accept Updated License Agreement

This email lets you know that Apple has updated its legal terms all all Apple Developer accounts. You, as the account owner, are responsible for accepting these new terms as soon as possible to ensure your app continues to receive updates that the CS mobile team releases. 

If you do not accept updated agreements, Apple can block updates pushed by the CS mobile team and even remove your app from the App Store.


You will receive an email from Apple as well as a notification from the CS team in your CS dashboard with a link and additional information for accepting your updated license agreement.

On your Apple Store Connect page, you will see a banner at the top of the page. Please read this banner in its entirety as it will outline the steps you need to take to accept the updated terms.

Select the Review Agreement button in the banner and a popup will appear where you can review the new terms and select I Agree.

You’re all set! If you had any pending app updates from the CS mobile team, they’re now unblocked and will be released normally again. 

Your Membership Expires in X Days

If you did not give Apple permission to automatically charge your card $99 for the annual membership renewal fee, then you will receive this email when your membership expires.

This email informs you that you’ll no longer have access to membership benefits in a certain number of days unless you renew your membership. 

If you do not renew within the time given, then Apple will remove your mobile app from the App Store. We recommend prompt action to this email to prevent your mobile app from being removed.


To renew, sign in to your Apple Developer account with the Apple ID you used to enroll. You will see a red banner at the top of your screen that prompts you to add a payment option.

Select Add Card on the right side of the page, then complete and submit your payment information from here.

If your membership is still active when you renew, then your new membership will activate as soon as your current membership expires. If your membership had already expired when you renew, then your renewal will activate once you complete the renewal process. Your mobile app will become available for shoppers to download within 24 hours.

  Want your membership to auto-renew in the future? While you’re still in your Apple Developer account, select Membership from the main menu. Scroll down to Settings and select the  Auto-Renew Membership checkbox.

Emails You Can Safely Ignore

When in the process of creating your branded mobile app (or transferring your existing one), you’ll receive a number of emails from Some of these emails provide a mere update on the review status, while others appear to be urgent.

No need to worry—these emails are simply notifications of changes or fixes that we, as a developer listed on your app account, are taking care of on your behalf.

Don’t be alarmed when you see the following emails:

  • Your App Is Under Review
  • Action Needed: iOS Distribution Certificate Expires in 30 Days
  • Potential loss of keychain access
  • Your Certificate Has Been Revoked
  • Redundant Binary Upload
  • We Have Identified an Issue
  • Action Needed: Apple Push Services Certificate Expires in 30 Days
  • Apple Pay Processing Certificates (both revocations and expirations)

Again, these do not require your attention or any action on your part. But if in doubt, we recommend that you log into your developer account to check for any notices that may need attention. If there are any urgent issues, they will appear in a red banner at the top of your screen.

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