You can now set your own shipping rules for Dropship products, giving you full control over the shipping dynamics of your shop. Tailor the shipping experience to your shop’s needs, with options including:
- Customized Shipping Costs: Take charge of what your shoppers pay for shipping, and set prices that will best benefit you!
- Variable Shipping Costs: Include variable shipping costs that align with your business strategy and customer expectations.
- Maximum Shipping Cost: Define maximum shipping costs to ensure that your shipping fees remain within a set limit, providing transparency and consistency for your customers.
- Free Shipping Minimum Cost: Offer free shipping after a minimum purchase value. You can easily set this to match your current free shipping policy, encouraging customers to add additional items and increase your average order value!
Important! These options apply to each supplier in a customer's order. For example, if a customer places one order with products from 2 suppliers, then they will pay shipping costs per supplier. In this case, twice. Additionally, at this time, these shipping options apply to ALL dropship suppliers. In the future, we hope to offer the ability to set custom options for specific suppliers.
Set Shipping Options
- Select Dropship Catalog in the side menu of your CommentSold dashboard.
- Select Settings at the top of the page.
- Select the checkbox to the left of Use My Shipping Rules.
- Enter your desired costs:
- Shipping Cost. Enter the flat-rate shipping amount. This will be the shipping cost per supplier in a customer's overall order.
Variable Shipping Cost (optional). Enter an additional cost for each item added to an order per supplier. Your base shipping cost will apply to the first item.
- For example, if your shipping cost is $5 and your variable shipping cost is $1, then an order with three items would cost $7 (Item 1: $5 + Item 2: $1 + Item 3: $1 = $7).
Max Shipping Cost. Enter the max amount to charge for shipping per supplier, regardless of the number of items they order.
- If you enabled Variable Shipping Cost, consider setting a max shipping cost to ensure a positive customer experience.
- Free Shipping Minimum Cost. If you wish to offer free shipping once a shopper reaches a certain spend amount per supplier, enter that amount here.
- Select Save in the bottom-right corner of the page.