Want to leverage your Klaviyo SMS program to send important informational texts to your customers? Learn which CS triggers you use to send texts for expiring carts, fulfilled orders, and more below.
Transactional SMS messages are those messages retailers send their customers to communicate non-marketing information.
Example transactional SMS messages include:
In order to qualify as a transactional SMS, the message itself must not include any type of incentive or marketing copy (e.g., Use promo code SALE for 10% off or All accessories BOGO this week only!).
If you use Klaviyo as your SMS platform and have an active CS + Klaviyo integration, then you can create transactional SMS messages that will automatically be sent to subscribers when a particular event occurs (i.e., customer places an order, a waitlisted item is restocked, etc.).
While you will need to build these messages in Klaviyo, we provide the specific trigger you will need to select as well as sample messaging.
You can learn more about creating transactional SMS messages via Klaviyo’s Flow Builder here.
Type of Transactional Messages
Cart Expiring
This message is sent to a customer when their shopping cart is about to expire. There are two kinds of expiry reminders: Standard Cart and First Paid First Served (FPFS) Cart. You can view instructions for each option on the tabs below.
In your Klaviyo Flow Builder, choose Create From Scratch in the top-right corner of the page. This allows you to define your own trigger and filter. We outline these below, along with example copy for your message.
Flow Trigger | Cart Expiration Threshold Exceeded |
Trigger Filters |
Dimension = is_fpfs_enabled Type = Boolean, is FALSE |
Example Message Copy |
You have pending products in your shopping cart. Click below to pay for your order, otherwise it will be at risk for expiring. {{ event.url|default:'' }} ** The event.url will populate a link to your shop. |
Flow Trigger | Cart Expiration Threshold Exceeded |
Trigger Filters |
Dimension = is_fpfs_enabled Type = Boolean, is TRUE |
Example Message Copy |
You have pending products in your shopping cart. Click below to pay for your order, otherwise it will be at risk for expiring. {{ event.url|default:'' }} ** The event.url will populate a link to your shop. |
Waitlist Item Restocked
This message is sent to a customer when your team restocks a product on their waitlist.
In your Klaviyo Flow Builder, choose Create From Scratch in the top-right corner of the page. This allows you to define your own trigger and filter. We outline these below, along with copy for your message.
Flow Trigger | Waitlist Item Activated |
Example Message Copy |
Congratulations, an item on your waitlist is back in stock! Click below to pay! {{ event.url|default:'' }} ** The event.url will populate a link to your shop. |
Add to Cart
This message is sent to a customer when they add a product to their shopping cart.
In your Klaviyo Flow Builder, choose Create From Scratch in the top-right corner of the page. This allows you to define your own trigger and filter. We outline these below, along with copy for your message.
Flow Trigger | Added to Cart |
Example Message Copy |
Congrats! You snagged one! Click below to checkout! {{ event.CheckoutURL|default:'' }} ** The event.url will populate a link to their cart. |
Order Fulfilled
This message is sent to a customer when a member of your team marks their order as fulfilled. There are two fulfillment options: Order Shipped and Order Ready for Local Pickup. You can view instructions for each option on the tabs below.
In your Klaviyo Flow Builder, choose Create From Scratch in the top-right corner of the page. This allows you to define your own trigger and filter. We outline these below, along with example copy for your message.
Flow Trigger | Fulfilled Order |
Trigger Filters |
Dimension = LocalPickUp Type = Boolean, is FALSE |
Example Message Copy |
Your order {{ event.OrderID|default:'' }} has just been fulfilled and is being shipped out today! ** The event.OrderID will populate their unique order number. |
Flow Trigger | Fulfilled Order |
Trigger Filters |
Dimension = LocalPickUp Type = Boolean, is TRUE |
Example Message Copy |
Your order {{ event.OrderID|default:'' }} has just been fulfilled and is ready for pickup! ** The event.OrderID will populate their unique order number. |
Learn More
- Set Up Your Klaviyo Integration. Learn how to set up your CS/Klaviyo integration.
- How SMS Works with CommentSold. Learn how you can use your CS/Klaviyo integration to collect SMS subscribers.
- Get Started with Klaviyo SMS. Learn how to configure your CS and Klaviyo accounts so you can start sending SMS opt in to Klaviyo.