CommentSold’s new, easy-to-use Insights dashboard empowers you with confidence to make data-driven decisions that increase profitability and grow your business!
The Shipping Insights dashboard summarizes shipping and shipping label information, such as total costs, average price per label, and package sizes. This information helps you better visualize your total spend and can be used when making purchasing decisions regarding packaging supplies.
Shipping Insights Data Sets
Data Set | Information Displayed | How You Can Use It |
Total Spent on Shipping Labels | Displays your total spend (before shipping and adjustments) on shipping labels during the time frame specified. |
Know what you're spending at-a-glance. Compare total spend on shipping labels by time frame. Compare month to month, this year/last year, quarterly spend, and more. |
Total Shipping Labels | Displays the total number of shipping labels generated during the time frame specified. |
Know how much for shipping. Total shipping labels can note how many packages are sent. |
Avg Price per Shipping Label | Displays the average price of a shipping label generated in the time frame specified. | Determine shipping charges. Use this average to determine what you set as your shipping costs as prices may fluctuate over time. |
Shipping Revenue Collected | Displays the total shipping collected from customers during the time frame specified. | Determine shipping charges. Use this to determine shipping charges or minimum order values for free shipping promotions. |
Items Shipped | Displays the total number of items shipped during the time frame specified. | Calculate average items per shipment. Know on average how many items are being shipped per label. |
By Label |
Displays a breakdown of shipping details by individual label. View the date created, tracking number, shipping zone, label cost, and more. |
Export for more flexibility. Export this table to Excel or Google Sheets for more flexibility when sorting. |
By Shipping Zone |
Displays a breakdown of shipping details by individual shipping zone. View the average price per label shipped to that zone, the total amount paid for labels, and the number of labels generated for that zone. |
Identify your hot spots. If you have high (or low) shipment volume, use this information to inform ad spend. Target your hot spots with new collections, or target colder areas with special promotions to drive conversion. |
By Postage Class |
Displays a breakdown of shipping details by postage class. View the average price per label for that class, the total amount paid for labels, and the number of labels generated for that class. |
Maximize your shipping options. Analyze your spend by postage class and determine if you’re using the best option for your business. Alternatively, ensure team members generating labels are choosing the correct options. |
By Shipping Zone and Postage Class |
Displays a breakdown of shipping details sortable by shipping zone and postage class. View the average price per label, the total amount paid for labels, and the number of labels generated. |
By Weight |
Displays a breakdown of shipping details by package weight range. View the average price per label for that class, the total amount paid for labels, and the number of labels generated for the weight ranges listed. |
Heavy items killing you on costs? Know right away if you’re shipping a high volume of heavy products. If so, consider whether you bake some of that shipping costs into the retail price to help offset the increased costs. |
By Dimensions |
Displays a breakdown of shipping details by package dimensions. View the average price per label, the total amount paid for labels, and the number of labels generated for a specific packing label. |
Know what to re-order. Identify your most popular packaging option and consider having more on hand. |
Processing (By Label) |
Displays a breakdown of shipping details by individual label. “Processing” labels are those shipping labels created in the last few days that do not have shipping zone confirmed. Once confirmed, the label will move to the “By Label” data set. |
Returns (By Label) |
Displays a breakdown of shipping details by generated return labels. This data set only appears you’ve enabled the Returns Portal (powered by Redo). Contact Support for more details. |
Saved Shipping Labels |
Displays the estimated total number of labels you saved from printing due to combining orders during the time frame specified. |
Don't see savings here? If you're not using combined orders with CS fulfillment, you're missing out on substantial savings in shipping supplies and fulfillment labor. Contact our Support team to learn more. |
Saved Shipping Label Spend |
Displays the estimated total savings on shipping labels due to combining orders during the time frame specified. Savings are an estimation based on the average price per label and saving shipping labels. |
Don't see savings here? If you're not using combined orders with CS fulfillment, you're missing out on substantial savings in shipping supplies and fulfillment labor. Contact our Support team to learn more. |
Combined Orders Monthly Summary |
Displays a breakdown of estimated combined orders data by month. This data includes the average price per label, the total labels saved that month, and estimated saved shipping costs. Data displays starting from January 2023. This table cannot be filtered. |
Don't see savings in your Saved Shipping Labels and Saved Shipping Cost columns? If you're not using combined orders with CS fulfillment, you're missing out on substantial savings in shipping supplies and fulfillment labor. Contact our Support team to learn more. |
Access Your Shipping Insights Tab
- Hover over the side menu in your CommentSold dashboard, then select Insights.
- Select Shipping from the options listed at the top of the page.
At the top of this tab, you can set the Created Date time frame. This will filter all data sets to include shipping labels created during that time. Once you’ve selected a time frame, select the Update Arrow on the right side of the page.
View and Export Data
You have various options when it comes to viewing and exporting your data. Please note that available options will vary by data set.
Order Data by Column
You can sort any data set column by first hovering over the column header, then selecting the desired action. You can also readjust the width of your columns by hovering over and dragging the dividing line between the column headers.
Export Data
Select the three-dot icon in the top-right corner of the data set to access your export option.
- Download data. Download a .CSV file of the data set to your device.
- Autosize all columns. Automatically resize all columns to fit the data contained displayed.
- Reset all column widths. If you have made adjustments to column widths, quickly reset to the default widths.
- View. Select Expand to launch an expanded display of the specific data set.
- Clear cache & refresh. Refresh the data set to bring in more updated data.