Want to highlight product details and make them stand out? Customize the product card for a more personalized touch!

The product card is where your shoppers get a snapshot of your offerings—think of it as a first impression. Customizing the product card on your website lets you showcase key details and create a shopping experience that reflects your brand. 

With Product card, you can customize:

  • Image Aspect Ratio
  • Image Resizing

Customize Your Product Card

  1. Hover over the side menu of your CommentSold dashboard, then select Site Creator.
  2. Select Appearance from the options listed at the top of the page.
  3. Expand the Product Card section ​​in the side menu of your Site Creator.
  4. Within the Product Card section, expand and customize the following section. 
    • Image Aspect Ratio. Select the desired image aspect ratio and default product photos to either Portrait (2:3) or Square (1:1) display.
    • Image Resizing. Select the desired image size and default product photos to either Fit or Crop display.
  5. Your site preview will update to reflect the changes to your footer menu. When you are satisfied, select Publish in the top-right corner of the Site Creator to save your footer menu.
  • Site Creator
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