For the best shopping experience for your viewers, we recommend pinning a comment with a link for shoppers to purchase from the live sale via your CommentSold website or app. To ensure carting works properly from Facebook, it is important to only use the CommentSold website link (your website /live) or a link to your CommentSold mobile app. This will provide the most consistent checkout experience for shoppers watching on Facebook.

We walk through this process below.

Pin Your CommentSold Link in Your Facebook Live Sale Post

Step 1: Start Your Live Broadcast Step 2: Pin Your CommentSold Link What Your Shoppers Experience

Facebook’s new Pages experience will not change the process you follow within CommentSold to broadcast your live sale on your Facebook page. 

You can start a live sale and broadcast it to your Facebook page using the steps outlined here.

Since you will be directing shoppers to your CommentSold link, you want to make sure you go live on your Facebook page and your website or app. Additionally, you can choose to include the link in the Post Description field. This will add the link to the live sale’s post description.


  • Facebook
  • Live Selling
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