The new CSV Reports tab allows you to quickly access the latest data from CommentSold, without any delays. Generate detailed reports in just a few seconds directly from your dashboard, without the frustration of waiting around. The new reporting page allows you to access data across historical date ranges.

Instant reports provide you with faster data and deeper insights into your operations. You can generate these reports on a desktop computer or your mobile device–simply rotate your device for the best view.

At this time, there are four instant reports available. You can filter these reports with a specific date range (for Inventory Snapshots, you will select a single day). Data is refreshed on a daily basis and covers the period beginning on January 1, 2024.

Report What It Shows How You Can Use It
Current Inventory Details every SKU in your product catalog by variant and includes the quantity sold, on hand, and in cart. Quickly conduct or update inventory, do inventory tie-outs and assemble inventory. 
Orders Overview Summarizes order totals, applied coupons and credits, tax and shipping collected, order status, and customer information.  Easily evaluate pricing and discounting strategies and make informed decisions with detailed insights by brand and category. 
Ordered Products Breaks down orders to an item level and includes payment and customer information, purchase experience, and product details. Quickly identify top-selling products to inform future purchases. Know your most popular sales channels and create campaigns to drive more traffic there.
Customers Includes a quick overview of all registered users contact information, first and last purchase dates, lifetime customer value, marketing opt-in status, and more. Create targeted ad and email campaigns to reach customers based on their last purchase date (ex: 90+ days) or total spend.

Access Instant Reports

  1. Hover over the side menu of your CommentSold dashboard, then select Reporting.
  2. Select CSV - New from the options listed.

Run an Instant Report

  1. Select Generate to the far left of the instant report you wish to run.
  2. In the popup, pick a date from the Select Date field.
  3. Select Generate to run the report. Instant reports open in a new browser tab.

You can find the Legacy Reports and To be Deprecated Reports at the bottom of CS New tab.

  • Legacy Reports. These reports, while part of our older reporting system, are still available for use. These reports continue to provide valuable insights based on historical data and remain accessible alongside our newer reporting tools.
  • To be Deprecated Reports. These reports will soon be deprecated as we transition to a more advanced reporting system. 

You can retrieve these reports by picking up a Start Date and End Date and selecting the green Retrieve button.

Jump to Modern Insights Dashboards

From your Instant Reports, you can jump to any of our Insights dashboards by selecting the links on the right side of each insights. These dashboards are easy to browse and information can be exported for use in your preferred spreadsheet software.

Select the links below to visit the help article for each of the Insights dashboards.

Note: Insights will only show for those logged in as your shop’s Super Admin. To grant access to additional users, please reach out to our Support team.


Insights Dashboard What It Shows
Marketing Helps you understand your customer base, allowing you to examine their shopping behavior and strategically target them with email campaigns and social media ads.
Inventory Displays your inventory management and sales performance so you can make informed decisions about future inventory orders and discounting.
Sell Through Gives you a snapshot of products featured on a live sale in the last 45 days and their sell-through performance. Identify which products to reshow based on their last shown date, number of times featured, volume of remaining inventory, and potential profit from unsold inventory.
Customers Identify opportunities to strategically target your marketing efforts, such as focusing efforts on acquisition through a specific sales channel (e.g., your mobile app).
Profitability Provides a deeper understanding of your financial performance and helps you optimize your business strategies.
Mobile App Hone in on mobile app viewership and performance data for your live sales and live sales replays, and purchasing behavior for those viewers.
Shipping Summarizes key shipping information, such as total costs, average price per label, and package sizes. Helps you better visualize your shipping spend (costs vs revenue) and can be used when making decisions regarding packaging supplies.
TikTok Summarize your overall TikTok business with both lifetime and time-restricted metrics so you can make better posting, buying, selling, and customer service decisions.
Popclips Track the number of views each Popclip receives, measure the click-through rate, and analyze conversions stemming from these clips. This data helps you identify which products and styles of Popclips most engage your audience, allowing you to optimize future content for better results. 
Boost Your Business

Track which Brands and Variants have generated the highest gross margins and target which customers to re-target in those categories. 

Monitor the remaining inventory by category, brand, and even size and determine which customers have made purchases in those categories to identify additional sales opportunities for the categories with the highest quantity remaining.  

Customer Segmentation Helps identify different groups of customers based on how they shop and interact with your store. This tool makes it easier to understand which segment your customers fall into, so you can send them targeted messages and offers that appeal to a specific segment vs. a one-size-fits-all marketing message for all your customers. 
Web User Journey Flow Analyze the Overall Store Traffic Summary to understand the flow of visitors and delve into Product Pages to uncover the Source of Traffic and Conversion to Sales. Gain a comprehensive view of Individual Product Traffic to identify opportunities for optimization. 


Old CSV to New Report Mapping

Old CSV # Old CSV Header New Report
1 Date, Product Revenue, Product Cost Instant Report: Ordered Products
2 Date, Packer, Number of packages, Number of items, First scanned, Last scanned, Difference in minutes To Be Deprecated Reports Section
3 Date, Packer, Number of packages, Number of items To Be Deprecated Reports Section
4 Date, Admin Name, Number of Posts, Number of items in the posts To Be Deprecated Reports Section
5 Date, Admin Name, New products (SKUs) added, Sum of quantity in the skus To Be Deprecated Reports Section
6 Date Range, Vendor, Total Pieces Sold, Total Waitlist, Total posts, Total Sales Instant Report: Ordered Products
7 Date, SKU, Brand, Brand Style, Product Name, Description, Color, Size, Price, Warehouse, Location, Quantity Sold Instant Report: Ordered Products
7 OTB Cost, Price, Sale Date, Brand Style, Coupon, Fractional Discount Amount Instant Report: Ordered Products
8 Date, State, City, Zip, Amount Sold, Total Tax, COGS Instant Report: Orders Overview
9 Date, Order Id, State, City, Zip, Total, Total Tax, Order Status Instant Report: Orders Overview
10 Sku, Product Name, Brand, Style, Qty on hand, Qty on shelf, Qty in carts, Qty Sold, Total Waitlist, Total Waitlist Authorized, Price, Cost, Size, Color, Warehouse Location, Location, Shipping, Weight, Barcode, Profit, Gross Margin Percentage, Archived, Latest Post, First Post Instant Report: Inventory Snapshots
11 Date, Order #, Customer Name, Email, Street, Apartment, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, Sku, Brand, Product Name, Size, Color, Order Notes, Customer Note, Add ons, Product Source, Source Comment, Warehouse, Received Instant Report: Ordered Products
12 Date, Order #, Customer Name, Subtotal, Shipping, Total Tax, Total, Coupon Code, Discount Amount, Order Time, Payment Reference, Credit Used, Refunds Issued, Email, Warehouse, Customer Notes Instant Report: Orders Overview
14 Date, Sku, Size, Color, Quantity, Weight, Price, Location, Link, Received Instant Report: Inventory Snapshots
15 State, Total Sales Insights: Profitability
16 Waitlist Report To Be Deprecated Reports Section
16A Waitlist by Variant Report Insights: Inventory
17 Comment Charge Report To Be Deprecated Reports Section
18 Top Customers Report Instant Report: Customers
19 Customers with Free Shipping Enabled Instant Report: Customers
20 Facebook Offline Events Data To Be Deprecated Reports Section
21 Facebook Offline Events Data (App Purchases Only) To Be Deprecated Reports Section
22 Customer Name, Email, Order ID, Credit Amount issued, Credit Amount Used, Comment Entered when credit issued, Admin that issued the store credit Legacy Reports Section
23 Purchase Date, Order ID, Product SKU, Product Brand, Customer Name, Customer Email, Return Date, Return Amount, Payment Method, Handling Employee, Return Reason, Note Instant Report: Ordered Products
24 Shipping Cost Per Item (Items in Order, Number of Labels, Average Cost per Label, Average Cost per Item) Legacy Reports Section
25 Local Pickups (Date, Customer Name, Customer Email, Order Number, Payment Amount) Instant Report: Orders Overview
26 Gift Cards Report (Date Purchased, Customer Name, Customer Email, Customer ID, Gift Card Code, Gift Card Amount, Was Redeemed?) Legacy Reports Section
27 Shipments Report (Shipping Label ID, Order IDs, Shipping Service, Tracking Number, Service Level, Weight, Width, Height, Length, Label Image URL, Amount Charged) Insights: Shipping
28 First Time Purchasers Report (Name, Customer ID, Email, Address, Address 2, City, State, Country Code, Zip Code, Customer Created At, Phone Number, Order ID, Purchase Date, Order Total, Platforms Used) Legacy Reports Section
29 Packaging Report (Packaging Type, Packer Name, # of Packages Shipped, Total Shipping Cost) To Be Deprecated Reports Section
30 Live Sale Products Report (Product Name, Product Received, Total Inventory, Date First Posted to Social Media, Date First Posted to App, # of Times Shown on Live Sales, Date First Shown on Live Sale, Date Last Shown on Live Sale) To Be Deprecated Reports Section
31 Live Purchaser Report (Customer ID, Name, Email, # of Items Purchased from Lives, Total Amount Spent on Lives, # of Lives Purchased From) Instant Report: Ordered Products
32 Orders Marked for Pickup Report (Order #, Customer Name, Customer ID, Phone, Email, Date Created) Instant Report: Orders Overview
33 Brand Sales Revenue by SKU Report (SKU, Brand, Style, Product Name, Quantity Sold, Revenue, Profit Margin) Insights: Profitability
34 Mystery Items Sold by SKU Report (Item SKU, Item Name, Product SKU, Product Name, Order ID, Price of Item, Date Sold, Customer Name) Instant Report: Ordered Products
35 Daily Revenue and Orders Report (Date, Revenue, Cost, # of Orders, # of Products) Instant Report: Orders Overview
36 Secondary Offers Report (Date, Customer, Product, Price, Cart Total, Size, Color, Cart Quantity, Purchased) Instant Report: Ordered Products
37 Sales Channel Report (Date, Total Payments, Total Product Revenue, Total Discounts, Total First Time Purchasers, Total Average Order Value, Total Orders, Mobile Payments, Mobile Product Revenue, Mobile Discounts, Mobile First Time Purchasers, Mobile Average Order Value, Mobile Orders, Online Store Payments, Online Store Product Revenue, Online Store Discounts, Online Store First Time Purchasers, Online Store Average Order Value, Online Store Orders) Instant Report: Ordered Products
38 Live Sales Report (Live Sale Name, Total Revenue, Total Orders, Live Sale Revenue, Live Sale Orders, Live Replay Revenue, Live Replay Orders, Live Sale Duration, Live Sale Started At, Live Sale Ended At) Instant Report: Ordered Products
39 Mobile App Sales Report (Date, App Live Sales Revenue, App Live Replay Revenue, Other App Revenue, Total App Revenue) Instant Report: Ordered Products
40 Product Sales History Report (Date, Product, Product Brand, Total Revenue, First Time Purchaser Revenue, # Customers, # First Time Purchasers) Instant Report: Ordered Products
  • Reports
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